What is love, actually?

All this time I've been wrong. Maybe, you've been wrong too.
We thought that we love someone (can be anyone, maybe your parents, your friends, or someone else), we care someone, but then after that we stop loving them. How could it be? When we say that we love someone (or something), does it mean that we accept them the way they are? How could we stop loving them? Is it because the more we know them, we get to know more about their flaws then we get sick of it? Well I guess, I got it wrong. I guess, that's not the idea of 'loving'. We suppose to accept them just the way they are, because it just who they are. Loving isn't just about caring, having things together, but also about understanding.  But, that's maybe how the fate should be. You know, maybe this is why love, which is a good one, can became a bad one. Love turns to hate, and everything, the good reliationship that you have made, just broken down to pieces. But, in the end, that's life. Thanks for all of you who have taught me a lot about life. Without all of you, I may just end up in fairy tales.


  1. Suka banget zaaah :) zah, km jarang buka fb ya? Maaf ya aku ngucapin milad km cm di fb :( barakallah azizah, smg makin cantik dan sholihah ya :)


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